- Date: Sep 20, 2024
- Category: Healthcare
Although mass torts have an implicit legal connotation, their implications in the health field should not be overlooked. When a product or situation causes harm to many people, the pain and suffering suffered by the victims cannot be ignored.
And the legal field is not the only one that can help victims. Health professionals provide their services to mass tort victims for their rehabilitation, treatment, and speedy recovery. For these cases, Injury Rely connects you with health professionals extensively trained to treat your personal injuries caused by mass torts.
In this article, we will study famous examples of mass tort litigation and how our healthcare services help you in speedy recovery.
Famous Mass Tort Litigation Cases
This case began in the 1980s. It was then that scientists linked asbestos exposure and the development of cancer, in addition to other serious health consequences. Asbestos exposure and lung cancer cause mesothelioma and other diseases.
Many of the companies that manufactured products containing asbestos knew as early as the 1920s that inhaling the mineral could cause terminal illnesses. Still, they failed to protect (or even warn) their employees and customers.
As a result of this mass tort litigation, asbestos manufacturers were held accountable for their negligence. Since then, stricter regulations have been implemented to protect workers and consumers. Asbestos litigation is the longest-running mass tort litigation in the U.S.. So far, asbestos companies have set aside more than $30 billion to compensate asbestos victims and their families.
Diagnostic imaging, x-rays, and CT scans are essential for early cancer discovery and treatment.
In the 1980s, a series of lawsuits were filed against Big Tobacco. The claims are linked to the companies' failure to warn consumers about the risks of tobacco use and to misleading advertising.
You cannot overstate the effect of tobacco-related litigation. For decades, the tobacco industry has misled its customers about the dangers of smoking. In 1998, the four largest tobacco companies entered into a Mass tort settlement and paid $206 billion over 25 years to state governments to compensate them for smoking-related Medicaid costs. Cigarette smokers and their survivors continue to file lawsuits against the tobacco industry, and diagnoses from healthcare professionals are essential for this type of claim to proceed.
Silicone Breast Implants
The first significant lawsuit over silicone breast implants was filed in 1984. These medical devices were associated with cancer, autoimmune diseases, and other problems. The lawsuits drove silicone breast implant manufacturers out of business or nearly out of business despite the fact that the medical evidence used in these cases was not very convincing.
This is a clear case of medical malpractice by a defective product. If you have suffered from this or any type of malpractice, you need a trusted doctor to deal with the problem and remove and replace the implant.
Opioid Litigation
The ongoing opioid crisis has had devastating effects on individuals and communities across the United States. Several mass tort litigation cases have been filed against opioid manufacturers and distributors, alleging that they contributed to the crisis through deceptive marketing practices and failure to report suspicious opioid orders. These cases are ongoing and may result in significant settlements or verdicts.
You can not overemphasized the importance of emergency care considerations for these cases. An opioid overdose must be treated with the utmost care and professionalism possible. Trained healthcare professionals should manage these patients not only in recovery but also in recovery.
Defective Products
In 1972, Lilly Gray's Ford Pinto stalled as she entered an oncoming lane on a California freeway. She was hit by another car rear-ended, and the gas tank ruptured, releasing rapidly spreading gasoline fumes. A spark ignited the mixture, and the vehicle exploded.
Lily Gray did not survive, but her 13-year-old son did, despite suffering disfiguring burns and ongoing surgical procedures. Between the 11 years from the start of the mass tort litigation trial and the final verdict, nearly 900 people suffered the same fate as Lily Gray in the Ford Pinto in the United States alone.
This particular case presents an example of how a defective product can cause personal injuries. Health professionals at Injury Rely can help you recover from your injuries. Chiropractors, orthopedists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists will help you to recover quickly.
In Conclusion
The main characteristic of mass torts is that they cause injuries to several people at the same time. Health professionals must treat defective products whose manufacturers hide their harmful effects. Many of these products cause cancer, which must be diagnosed in time for treatment.
For these cases, Injury Rely has the doctor you need. If you, like many others, suffered from injuries of this type, we have the health professional who best suits your needs.
Contact us today, and we will connect you with our doctors to work on and treat your problem.